- 1 3/4” standard
- Any manufacturer’s hinge locations
- 18-gauge Galvannealed (A40) steel standard
- Continuously welded vertical edges (seamless) standard
- Rust inhibitive prime coat ANSI/SDI 250.10
Material Options
- 16-gauge, 14-gauge and 12-gauge steel
- G90 galvanized steel
- Stainless steel available in 304 or 316 alloys
- Resin impregnated honeycomb
Feature Options
- Up to 3-hour fire label
- Flush top cap
- Any manufacturer’s Deadlock prep, Panic prep, and Mortise sectional trim
- Flat bar astragal (pairs)
Hardware Reinforcements
- 3/16” for hinges
- 12-gauge for locks standard
- 14-gauge for closers standard
- Heavier gauge reinforcements available